
This website exists to provide clients and potential clients with information concerning my unique, low-pressure approach to personal and professional services. I have an excellent client-retention rate and I am extremely proud of the high-quality services that my firm provides.

Please, feel free to browse my website to see the services I offer as well as the many helpful resources I provide. When you are ready to learn more about what I can do for you, I encourage you to contact me.

We can work together in-person or virtually. If you prefer to meet in-person, we will schedule a time to meet in my office. During the visit, we can discuss your tax situation for the year and address any of your concerns. You will provide me with your tax documents at that time and I will collect the signatures necessary for me to begin work. Alternatively, we may “meet” virtually with a zoom meeting or by phone, and you may upload copies of your tax documents to a secure client portal. You may sign documents I place on the portal via e-signatures. If you prefer not to use a portal, you may mail your documents to me or drop them off at my office after our virtual meeting. I can work with you in-person, virtually, or a combination of both, depending on your individual preference.

Member, AICPA
American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants

Member, NATP
National Association of
Tax Professionals

Member, CalCAP
California Society of
Certified Public Accountants